
with a little faith: a solo exhibit by d.e. cooper

come on out and check out david cooper's solo show
"with a little faith" which features works that clearly
illustrate what an amazing artist david is. he is
without a doubt one of the most talented painters i know
and it would be a bit of a tragedy to miss out on a show
that is filled with such heart, not too mention an immense
amount of technical talent.

The show runs from May 18th - June 22nd, 2008

More information:


Maxwells Bar & Restaurant
1039 Washington St. Hoboken, NJ
for direction: www.maxwellsnj.com


when two worlds meet...

i never thought i would see the day when the two things i heart most in this world
would meet...just stumbled upon this wee bit of wonder, one more little ditty that
fills my innards with inspiration!

MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.


a new leaf...

today i've decided to turn over a new leaf...after much thinking and
even more suggestions i have decided to concentrate pretty fully on
my own work. it's a wee bit of a tough decision to make being that
as much as i heart making art, it's tough to be able to commit to only
myself. i am in the midst of organizing what will be the last show i
curate at maxwell's f
or a while, the third annual 3 feet high show and
after that will be working towards making some new art that i've been
pondering. i am still going to be organizing some shows here and there
but it won't be as constant as its been for the last two years.
so now i share with you a blog that will hopefully inspire as well as
follow me on this path, one of little magical moments and the
curious little bits that help me get there...

a studio that awaits new things...